Getting the Pilgrim Geese

I love birds. All kinds of birds. When I was 2 years old my sister and I got a duck each for Easter. They lived for about 10 years.
My mom was called the bird lady. When we had thunderstorms in the midwest I would go out and look for baby birds that had fallen out of the nests. The neighbors would bring baby birds to our mom to take care of.
On of my favorite bird we raised was a Morning Dove called Thunderbird. When it got old enough to fly, it would come home every evening and land on the power lines. I would hold out my hand and call him. Thunderbird would fly down to my hand and I would put him in his cage for the night. He did this until the Fall and then a ssume he flew south with the other Morning Doves. I never saw him again.
When I grew up and moved out on my own, I left the bird world for many years. Then a few years ago I started in with chickens. I’ve had all kinds of chickens for the past 8 years, including runner ducks.
Now I want to see what geese are like.
I decided on the Pilgrim for a few reasons. They are they only type of goose that you are able to tell as soon as they are born by their color what sex they are.
They are also supposed to be quieter and calmer then the average goose.
So I ordered 2 pair of them. They were born on April 2, 2012 and shipped by the Postal Service from California that night.
By Wednesday morning they were at my Post Office in Oregon. I picked them up that morning and brought them to my house.
When I opened the box I was surprised at how large they already were! I had a tub set up for them with water and starter food and a warm light.
I put them in the tub and went to work.

My Pilgrim Geese

I wanted to get some geese for my backyard. I researched about different types of geese and the Pilgrim Goose was noted to be one of the quietest and calmest of all.

I bought the geese online and picked the up at my local post office about 2 weeks ago.

I will write about them on this blog.